Thursday, March 29, 2012

DANCE REVIEW of Covenant Ballet Theatre of Brooklyn’s production of Cinderella

by Lawrence Lam

Brooklyn is known for having a vibrant art community as diverse as the ethnicity of its population. Good dance performances are not only found in downtown Brooklyn but also in the often-ignored South Brooklyn neighborhood of Sheepshead Bay. The well attended performances of Cinderella performed by Covenant Ballet Theatre of Brooklyn (CBT) are solid proof that many dance lovers are glad to fill the seats of a good performance anywhere in Brooklyn. The show took place on Saturday, March 24, 2012 at Kingsborough Community College Leon M. Goldstein Performing Arts Center.

Almost everyone knows the story of Cinderella. A young lady is a maid to her evil stepmother and stepsisters. When she is prohibited to go to the Royal Ball, her Fairy Godmother steps in to help her get to the ball. At the ball, she falls in love with Prince Charming and loses her glass slipper. In the end, she escapes her horrid life when the Prince finds her and they live happily ever after. It is a classic fairy tale that is universally loved. It is one of the reasons why Cinderella was CBT’s Artistic Director Marla Hirokawa’s first full-length ballet. Though it is her first full-length ballet, Marla has 10 narrative ballets of her own under her belt.

CBT principal dancer TheresĂ© Miyoshi Wendler made a beautiful Cinderella. She was the kind young soul with a loving heart. She also portrayed herself as an elegant princess that captured everyone with her beauty and graceful dancing. Her dancing with Royce Zackery, CBT’s Prince Wesley, was like a fine liaison made in heaven. Their Pas De Deux was one of the highlights of the show. Other highlights included the hilarious pair up of the Princes' friends (danced by Matthew Westerby and CBT's delightful newcomer Vincent Marra) with the not-so-graceful stepsisters (danced by Rebeccah Brann and Helene Parker). The ballet featured Allison Jay Baber as the elegant and loving Fairy Godmother, CBT Junior dancers as the season fairies, and many cute young dancers from the academy. If you missed this wonderful production of Cinderella, look out for future performances by Covenant Ballet Theatre of Brooklyn, one of the finest professional ballet companies based in Brooklyn.

all photos by Jonathan Fazio

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